Well the week is almost over and the Crit titles are almost here. How do I feel?? Well there are some pre race nerves building and it is hard to keep them under control. I have made my plan and I am going to try to stick with it.
So today was a quiet day. As a result I called it quits at work at about 11am and came home to relax before heading out with a team mate Chris aka "Beetlejuice". So the plan was going well a relaxing day and a relaxing river loop. Guess again.
Chris had this plan to mix it up a little. His idea was to start the river loop with alap over Mt Cootha first. Now I have never ridden up Mt Cootha so this was to be a new experience. Experience, Mt Cootha nearly beat me today. I got up and over but I had 2 stops(remember I am a sprinter not a climber). The first stop was because I thought my back tire was deflating. I had just fixed a puncture and thought I had pinched it or not removed the orignal cause. So I stopped to check that, No it was all good. So off I went to try to get back on Chris' wheel, without blowing up. Then I had to stop again. THis time though it was because I was way over my LT(Lactate Threshold) and going into the red big time. So I stopped for a minute, had a drink and got my breath. Once I started again I headed for the top and caught up to Chris. The climb wasn't over but the worst part was. It still kept going up and then it started to go down. Now with out any effort including allowing cars to pass we were cruising down at 80km/h in a 60km/h zone. So that was Mt Cootha, definatly will be going back at the first opportunity and making it a regular part of my training program. I will need to if I am to fill domestique duties in ther Sunshine Coast Tour and Grafton-Inverell races next year.
I really need to climb more, that hurt far too much.
Once the Mt Cootha was done we continued on our River loop. This wan't to be any easy task either. Didin't matter which way we headed we ssemed to be heading in to a head wind which was just strong eneough to be annoying and break your rythmn. So off we went, the heat was up(not excessively) and combined with the wind drained the body and dehydrated us very quickly. But we finished that and headed in our own directions for the long journey home.
On my way home I thought I would duck into my LBS and see if my new saddle had arrived. I ordered it yesterday and was assured of overnight delivery. Guess what no saddle. maybe tomorrow they said. Now I am not blaming my LBS because they are a good bunch of blokes, with a reat reputation. It is their delivery people that have stuffed it.
So now I have to wait until tomorrow to get my new White Fizik Arione Ti saddle. I suppose thats ok a sI will have tomorrow off the bike save for a short roller session later in the day to keep the legs ticking over but not tiring them out.
So till tomorrow.
By the way, Did I mention that the HYPE Energy Cycling Team is expanding. We are after new ridrs both male and female.
We are also looking for new sponsors who are willing to take on a team. We are looking for an equipment sponsor as well as financial sponsors who can see the benefits of cycling and business. So if you are interested let me know.