Lately there has been a number of Shark attacks in Australia. Why?? Is it because of over fishing of the waters all over the world, is it because we are spending more time in the water and therefore our interaction is more frequent? Is it simply just plain bad luck? I dont know and there are plenty of people being paid lots of $$$ to work it all out. However this is not the reaosn behind this post. Earlier today, on top of the 3rd shark attack in as many days, in NZ a surfer was photographed catching a wave or two. Not really exciting is it. But, how about the fact that in the bck ground there is a Killer Whale(Orca). So that covers sharks and whales but what about the TV?? While I am typing this I am watching Foxtel (satellite TV) and what happens to be on the movie channel? JAWS: The Revenge. Strange how things play out isn't it.
With all the Sharks attacks it makes you think is it worth going out to the beach for a swim, but really, should we let an extremely small likelihood stop us from the things we love to do. I know it wont stop me. Having said taht I don't spend a lot of time in the surf unless I am taking Eilish boogey boarding.
Speaking of Eilish, both her and Rohan have been spending their holidays at their Nans and tomorrow they come home. So the peace and quiet that Emma and I have at the moment will be gone. Damm. Just jokes, We ahve missed them and they have missed us and it will be good to see them again. So tonight is our last night alone.
SO how has my bike riding going? Had a rest over the weekend to recover fromt he track carnival and went back out today. Knocked out a quick 40km of flat and then added another 10km of power climbs on the ay home. Concentrated on cadence and sustained effort. Tomorrow I am heading out to Nundah to have an interval session with Mark and a few others. These sessions are good. 5 lap intervals at about 40km/h with a full gas sprint at the end, then 2 laps recovery and start again. We start at 0530 and go through to 0630-0700 depending on work and time. let you know how it goes tomorrow.
Anyway time for dinner, having crab and chilli pasta. Emma is a great cook. Will let you know how that goes to.
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